Evangelist Gene Strickland
As the founder of Evangelism International, Gene Strickland is committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the call of God in his life. He desires for the church to wake up and win the world. Gene has spoken to thousands as a minister and evangelist in the United States and around the world. His preaching is simple, humorous, honest and thought provoking with the aim of pointing the listener to the cross of Jesus Christ.
Evangelism International has associate evangelists located in Ghana, Kenya, India and Scotland. While our founder is able to travel and hold crusades worldwide, sometimes it is more economical for our associates to hold crusades in countries in their regions.
Evangelism International pays no salaries, so we are very mindful to be good stewards of the funds entrusted to us by God and our supporters. Evangelism International spreads and lives out the Gospel through Good News Gospel Crusades, Small Village Crusades, Fresh Water Wells that supply safe drinking water, Medical Missions, Supporting Orphanages, Feeding the Hungry, and Pastor/Leadership Conferences.